On the occasion of LODI BASèLL, the Association 21 will present the exhibition INTERSECTIO#2, a dialogue between the painting of Paolo Maggis and the video art of Vanessa Pey. The project, for the first time in Italy, speaks about identity and a human being expressing and transforming through the body and its movement. It talks about a poetic and sensual being that finds its form of existence in instability and imbalance.

The INTERSECTION project was born in 2022 and was presented last October in Barcelona at Espacio Privado Barcelona. INTERSECTION#1 was artistically directed by Silvia Cabrera Vilaplana with text by Gabriel Virgilio Luciani. The goal is to create a traveling artistic format that adapts and allows itself to be contaminated by different exhibition spaces.

For the occasion, Paolo Maggis and Vanessa Pey create site-specific installations. The space of Association 21 thus becomes a magical box, an independent universe in which the two artists act. The painting and video art of Paolo Maggis and Vanessa Pey merge, altering the exhibition space made even more evocative by the soundtrack of the installation "Superficial Acts of Metaphysical Rebellion" by Flavio Ferri and Ulrich Sandner.

During the opening, in front of Vanessa Pey's video projections, we will witness a sound performance by Paolo Maggis, who will present three songs from the album INDIGO, extracts from his project "THE CRAVING ROOTS" produced by Flavio Ferri.

In INTERSECTION#2, the interaction between disciplines creates new horizons of perception and compels the viewer to reconsider their position in relation to the enjoyment of the work. Various media and different languages interact, creating the need for the viewer to engage with a new type of vision: the eye must feel the image and approach it in a new way. The reading of the image is therefore called into question. The static pictorial image and the video image interact by touching, overlapping, and self-nourishing. The video loses its conformation as an orthogonal screen for narration, merging into the abstraction of the pictorial work. The exhibition features emotionally impactful works, where the subject and painting shake those who look at them. The skin and flesh of the depicted subjects seem
to tremble, shaken by a gestural and nervous painting that at times delimits and at times erases the boundaries between image and space. A hand gripping a neck, a face seemingly exhaling towards the sky, a contorted body, the detail of a dancing foot, amplify through the subject the dramatic effect. The subject opens up to multiple interpretations without ever finding a definitive one. What unites the work of the two artists is the poetics of the body; a body that loses its realistic connotation, transforming into an expressive device to create lines of light and shadow with strong contrasts. These lines split the space, section it, and deconstruct it, creating visual tensions that intersect in new geometries. Amidst this play of lines, tensions, and pulsating light, naturalistic details anchor the image to reality, revealing its origin and destiny in a human emotional process that breaks through the barriers of logical and rational limits, creating an experience aimed at embracing the most complete human feelings.


9:00 PM - Visit to the INTERSECTION exhibition by Paolo Maggis and Vanessa Pey (running from September 16) at Association 21, Via San Fereolo 24, with music by Flavio Ferri.*
10:00 PM - Concert: three live pieces for voice and guitar by Paolo Maggis at Association 21, Via San Fereolo 24

*The INTERSECTION exhibition at Association 21 will remain open from September 16 to October 21, Thursday to Sunday, from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM


Platea Palazzo Galeano:
Corso Umberto 46, Lodi, 26900
Platea Project:
Via Maddalena 3, Lodi, 26900 (open by appointment only)

whatsapp: +39 351 149 8258