Parallel to the publication of Iperromantico, Palazzo Bronzo, at Platea Project (Via Maddalena 3), has created a multifaceted and continuously evolving installation structure that will be reconfigured over the course of the four exhibitions of the FARE COLLETTIVO exhibition programme.

Credits: Alberto Messina

FIRST TRANSFORMATION 23.03.2024—17.05.2024

With the inauguration of Fare Collettivo, parallel to the opening of the RM collective’s exhibition, Palazzo Bronzo reconfigured the Platea Project space to host a documentary archive of artifacts and experiences collected by the collective during the creation of Iperromantico, the art book curated by Palazzo Bronzo and produced by Platea Palazzo Galeano. The space is open to everyone to foster the creation of relationships, collaborations, and experiments by artists and visitors.


SECOND TRANSFORMATION  23.05.2024—31.07.2024

On the occasion of the second event of FARE COLLETTIVO, parallel to the inauguration of MRZB’s exhibition, Palazzo Bronzo reconfigured the space with installation elements and research experiences on the concept of Puddinga. The conglomerate is used as a poetic image of collectivity, capable of containing heterogeneous subjects yet held together by bonds as viscous as they are solid.

“Puddinga. The pebbles make up rock masses, even gigantic ones, and the whole of each part, clearly visible and distinguishable, forms a rocky mixture with a rough and uneven surface. I would like to start from this natural example to explain my vision of the formation of a collective (artistic and otherwise), particularly on the visual and perceptual presentation it can assume.”

(Franco Ferrari, Puddinga, from Iperromantico)


Palazzo Bronzo is a collective and artist-run space founded in April 2022, embodying an artistic partnership that has been active since 2015. The collective engages in diverse artistic languages and practices with the aim of fostering a dialogue between different disciplines: visual arts, architecture, theater, performance, gastronomy, and literature. Palazzo Bronzo is based in Genoa, and the space serves as a meeting point for the underground art scene. It welcomes multifaceted realities, supports emerging artists through a residency program, and hosts exhibitions, performances, presentations, and moments of sharing. It is a long-term project that seeks to engage with the local community and grapple with a city historically multicultural and resistant to globalization due to its port status.

Members of Palazzo Bronzo include:

Federica Balletto, Marco-Augusto Basso, Edoardo Bracchi, Luca Conte, Franco Ferrari, Michele Gasperini, Manuel Gelsomino, Federico Ghillino, Pietro Lugaro, Alessandro Queirolo, Federico Zurani



Platea Palazzo Galeano:
Corso Umberto 46, Lodi, 26900
Platea Project:
Via Maddalena 3, Lodi, 26900 (open by appointment only)

whatsapp: +39 351 149 8258