Buon Compleanno Platea, second edition

We are pleased to announce that Zaira De Gaetano is the winner of the second edition of Buon Compleanno Platea, the open call organized with the support of Banca Centro Padana. The call invited young people aged 14 to 20 to create a poster that will take over the streets of Lodi from May 29 for 10 days.

The word "Platea" evokes the stage and cinema, all places open to the public.
I wanted to depict different parts of people's faces, all unique from one another, and I combined these diverse parts. In this environment, the spectator plays a fundamental role as the recipient of the artwork. I captured all the different parts of the face by cutting them out and tried to seamlessly match the various sections to form a unified identity.


Platea Palazzo Galeano:
Corso Umberto 46, Lodi, 26900

email: info@platea.gallery
whatsapp: +39 351 149 8258