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Credits Angelo Leonardo


«Hear me, Mother: in the fog where even the long and sunny plains crouch, in that same misty milkiness that envelops all dimensions, I shun the world as it is.»

BORDA is a performative saga: a narrative of the flatland through its poetic figurations, with its idiosyncrasies and lethargies, its expressions and laments. A live narrative constructed through the continuous succession of eight performances and installations in the spaces of the Church of Santa Chiara Nuova in Lodi. The event will be a circular path, a choral narration that combines the work of SAUZER, Riccardo La Foresta, Lorenzo Lunghi, Cult of Magic, Alberto Braida, DEM, and Marsala.

Borda is the personification of the fog that arises in bedtime stories, in childhood terrors, and in the warnings of adults. Our lady who accompanies disorientation, providing those who suppose to see well – to see far – the ability to get lost. Against the clear and diurnal debacle of the long horizons of the plain, Borda's fog contrasts: against the maximum visibility of flatness, it is the blunting of space and the disappearance of any distance.

BORDA is on Saturday, September 30th, from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM at the Church of Santa Chiara Nuova, via delle Orfane 12, Lodi.

Curated by Roberto Alfano, Luca Boffi, Edoardo Caimi, and Piergiorgio Caserini.

Produced by the association, with the support of Platea | Palazzo Galeano and the contribution of Assolombarda, Fondazione Comunitaria della provincia di Lodi, Fondazione Banca Popolare di Lodi, and the patronage of the Municipality of Lodi.


Platea Palazzo Galeano:
Corso Umberto 46, Lodi, 26900

whatsapp: +39 351 149 8258